19 June 2012

September 22, 2011


The days are getting shorter, and the weather is getting cooler. The leaves are half-heartedly started changing colour. I’ve already had to turn on the heater in my office one day, and my fleecy winter jammies have replaced my summer ones.

(Unfortunately, I slept with my winter blanket all through the summer, so I’m a little bit concerned about what the winter will bring, to be honest.)

I like the fall.

I mean, if I was going to be honest, the only time of year I really don’t like is that stretch from the New Year till spring; you’ve finished all the Christmas hoopla, yet must patiently wait for spring to finally start.

But, you know… autumn is nice. Since it gets dark earlier, there aren’t children screaming in the street until 22:00. Seeing as I’m very much a jeans and sweater person, autumn also means the weather is cool enough that I don’t have to rifle through my closet every morning, wondering what I should put on that won’t bake me. It also means, though, that it’s not quite cold enough to have to wear a bulky winter jacket that’ll be a PitA to carry with me everywhere.

The best part of fall in Germany, though, is that it last so much longer than it does in Canada. In Canada, it seems like the trees are green one day, and the next they’re all yellow. Less than 48 hours later, though, it seems, they’re all on the ground. And this definitely happens before Canadian Thanksgiving.

Not in Germany, though. The leaves take their time changing and falling, and Canadian Thanksgiving (in Germany??) should be marked by lots of yellows, oranges and reds.

And the best part of it all?? Daylight savings time and that one day where you can spend a whole extra hour snuggling in bed…

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