19 June 2012

September 19, 2011

Okay, let me just start with saying that I’m a human being. Shocker, right?

Because of this innate human-ness, I make plenty of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I proofread my blogs, posts on forums, papers for uni, etc. many times through before sharing with the world. You know, this is mostly so I don’t look like a complete jackass who can’t spell/write despite having the experience of two decades of education.

Errors for a native speaker with more education than a high school diploma, in my opinion, should be far and few between.

But, you know, life happens.

And the thing is, I realize life happens to other people, too. So, when other people make mistakes, I don’t get too hung up on it.

UNLESS… *drumroll please*

There is someone who decides it is pertinent (on Facebook, or wherever) to correct someone else’s English. In doing so, this person will inevitably make a good half-dozen errors in his or her own sentence(s).

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, if you want to correct someone else’s English, please do so flawlessly. Otherwise, you just end up looking like a muppet.

(Now, who’s searching my post for errors? ^^)

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