19 June 2012

March 14, 2012

I’m leaving right away. Like pretty much everything else in life, I’m undecided about it. As much as I may enjoy my day-to-day life in Germany better, the most important people in my life are right here, and I really don’t want to leave. In fact, if Maxie was here, I’d be kicking and screaming my way back. (Doesn’t that sound familiar?)

Here are some of my long-style potpourri thoughts from the past five weeks:
  • What is up with that fish-trafficking circle? I mean, I realize I’m completely uninformed about fish, but how do you even traffick a fish? Are these fish sad? Can they tell the difference between being trafficked and caught by normal people wanting to eat them? Is there not a better way for the government to spend three years and three years’ worth of money?
  • Five weeks in, my English still sucks. Me: “I only have six dollars twenty here. Oh, yes. I mean six dollars and twenty cents.”/”A Smart car is the least best car to be driving out here.”/”I am having an idea…” WTF?!
  • After hanging out with Petra and Sofie, I’m probably going to be convinced my dog is a midget.
  • One awesome thing about being here is being able to blast Adele at top volume, singing and dancing along. There are no neighbours to worry about disturbing here. That also goes for yelling “Who wants to eat some cereal?!” JD-from-Scrubs style when my mom gives the dogs her leftovers in the morning.
  • Even though I’ve managed to secure a copy of Buns of Steel to take home with me, something tells me it’s not going to be half as entertaining as when doing it with my best friend. This feeling is compounded by the the fact I still groan like an old person when I sit down and stand up from being so sore.
  • I still hate flying and not only dread that, but having to take at least three types of public transportation after the fact (with oodles of luggage) before I can be home.
  • Most expatriates I know in Germany gained tons of weight after moving there due to the awesomeness of the beer and bakeries. For me, though, I gain weight in Canada. Something about eating times other than when I’m hungry, and eating out more in the last five weeks than I have in the last five years. I don’t even fit into my jeans anymore. As odd as it sounds, it’s time to go back on my bread-butter-sausage-and-cheese diet!!
  • The QE2 is still a shitty road to drive on, and I didn’t miss driving the Calgary-Deadmonton stretch when I was gone. After the number of times I’ve had a go of it this trip, I definitely won’t be missing it when I’m gone.
  • The illogical side of me wants to take my plates-mugs-bowls set I bought in Calgary in ‘10 home with me. Irrelevant is the fact I could buy something nicer in Germany to replace the stuff I currently have and don’t like… And still break even.
  • I want nothing more than take my mom and Button in the suitcase with me when I go. I don’t know how I’m gonna leave both of them at the same time.
  • I’m gonna miss drinking Ceasars.
  • Why is it, that when I go to Safeway or Sobey’s, I’m still shocked when some greasy, 14-year-old kid starts packing my groceries? The number of times I’ve had to physically restrain myself from pushing past my mom at the till to start a frantic grocery-packing rush in order to be done before the next person… Wow.
  • Scarier yet, I’ve actually become convinced I’m better at packing groceries, and wish to pack my own groceries myself, rather than standing there like a useless twat, watching the greaseball put the cleaning supplies in with my milk.
  • I’m pumped to be going home to 18C and a lack of still knee-deep snow. But yes, airline, that’s a winter jacket I’m taking on the plane with me. In case of bad weather, you know. Or, more likely— despite the fact it’s too warm out to wear anywhere — because I don’t want to get caught in -22C next year again without a winter coat. Yes, I’m too cheap to buy one and would rather freeze.
  • Canada looks a lot like Finland.
  • It’s 8:30 in the morning, and I slept in later today than I ever do… Until 8 o’clock. My mom and Button are still sleeping. And they probably will for another hour at least. Get up, slugs! How in the world can you sleep so long?! (I love you guys more than anything else in the world… As long as I can include Maxie in that, mind you.)

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