23 June 2012


Coming on September, it will be five years since I first moved over here. This makes me ask myself the following questions:
  • Why do I get surprised that I still get homesick?
  • Why do I still vehemently deny the fact I am homesick when I'm actually homesick with phrases like, "I'm not actually homesick... I just miss the people." (Can be substituted with food, lack of bullshit, easy availability of jobs, relaxed nature of driving, etc.)
  • Why is it that I get homesick for the most random things (sitting around a campfire with friends in Banff, for example), which I never even do when I'm back there in the first place?
  • Why are plane tickets so f-ing expensive?
Maybe my real internet connection/new found ability to Skype has been influencing this. Maybe I'm just bogged down in work and going through growing pains again. Maybe I didn't like the real answer I didn't give when a classmate asked me if I am "eingelebt" here now. Maybe I am just feeling a surge of pride after repeatedly hearing a certain professor wrongly ramble on about what being "Canadian" actually is. Maybe I need to cut myself a little bit more slack.

Maybe all of the above.

PS. If the person who pointed out that I seem homesick actually reads this blog, thanks a lot for that. You're part of the reason I'm homesick, too.

Ah, well... It's off to write about happier things like discrimination against women and minority groups in union organizing/maybe a little bit about racism in female anti-slavery societies in the Antebellum North. Yeeee!

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