31 May 2009

Au Pairing - Is it Worth it?

So, a friend of mine has approached me for advice -- she wants to be an au pair in Germany. Now, despite my overly crappy experience, I keep trying to remind myself that being an au pair can be a good thing. So I've armed myself with advice I thought I'd never need again, and have given her the lo-down. You know, at least 260€/month, one day per week off... things like that.

Even though I'd never wish my soul-crushing experience on my worst enemy, I'm excited for my friend. I remember the fluttering feeling I felt in my stomach as I boarded the plane from Canada to Germany. I remember standing in the airport, not having the faintest idea of what I was getting myself into. And despite all the crap I put up with, I remember meeting some very cool (and if not cool, at least interesting) people on those rare nights I was allowed to leave my prison and venture out into the city. I hope her experience is filled with more love and happiness each day than I experienced the entire time. And maybe she'll meet some cute German in the process...

The picture, incidentally, is from my time as an au pair. Taking long walks in the mornings with the baby in stroller was literally the only time I had to give myself a break and enjoy life in Germany..

25 May 2009

Maxie and Other Random Musings

Literally, he eats anything we put in his bowl: toast crusts, lettuce, tomatoes, and even (as we discovered today) raw rice. Seriously, dog, what gives? Some of his favourites are pickles and oranges. I've got no problem giving him oranges, except for the fact I've got to pick them up after he digests them. You know what I mean... Here, he is eating some zucchini that was a couple of days from hitting the garbage.

In other news, my spring semester is finally close to being finished. I'm pretty much sick of writing essays criticizing literature that I don't care about. I'd rather write about some drastic historical event any day. I just have to keep reminding myself -- two more weeks.. just two more weeks. 

Also, I'm flying to Finland in June to visit a friend of mine. We met while we were both working in Cologne. She's one of the loveliest girls in the world, and I'm excited to see her and finally meet her boyfriend.

That's all for now...