19 January 2013

What Made my Day...

...The fact that you can order Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, albeit for an extortionate price, at Amazon.de.

I no longer need to feel guilty about eating the stuff shipped to me from Canada, although it may continue to be cheaper to keep asking people to bring it with them than ordering on the internet.

Day. Made.

08 January 2013

How I've been Feeling Lately

(No offence intended to those of you I do like... Which is more than likely if you're reading here in the first place.)

01 January 2013

A New Year

And a Happy 2013 to you!

I hope you all rang in 2013 happily, and I wish you the best of luck in writing "2013" and not "2012" on your first try when noting the date in the next couple of weeks!

Are you the kind of person who makes New Year's resolutions?

I'm normally not. I'm actually a firm believer that, if you really want to do something and stick to it, you should do it when you want to do it and not on January 1st when there's all that pressure.

In Stuttgart yesterday, we attempted this whole thing practised by a friend of a friend's husband where, when the clock strikes twelve, you eat a grape each time the bell tolls (for a total of twelve) while reciting twelve wishes to yourself that you hope to come true for the next year.

You know, when you're listening to the bells on Sunday morning, it doesn't really occur to you that the bell tolls rather quickly. When you're trying to chew/swallow grapes during those seconds, however, you realize the bell actually rings at a rather speedy pace.

I admit I was only coordinated enough to get through about nine wishes (which only really consisted of key words because I'm not a very fast thinker), and those wishes were not so much resolutions as things I already plan to get done this year, but it was a cool idea nonetheless.

Though I don't really make resolutions, the one thing I'd really like to do this year is stop forgetting to not stand like a German and correct my posture. I've been trying to rectify this for a couple of months already with little success.

So, that's my ongoing goal, among others.


Happy New Year, с Новым годом, bonne année, gutes Neues, etc.

(Standing German picture from http://blog.corewalking.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/4.-Clothed-Slouch-Redux2.jpg)