19 June 2012

August 9, 2011

So, yesterday I took the train to Frankfurt in order to meet a potential dog-sitter for the time I’m in Finland.A) Yay, I found one!!
B) How pathetic is it that I had to leave the Rhein-Ruhr region to find one?!
Ányhoo, here is a potpourri of thoughts I had throughout the day, just for funsies, you know.
  • What is with girls crying on trains? Within about an hour and a half, there were three girls, all around my age or maybe a little bit younger, who received either a text message or a call, and then burst into silent tears. I’ve been there, seriously. What’s it with German guys (at least, I’m assuming they’re German) giving females bad news whilst they’re on trains? I mean… it’s rude! Nobody likes crying in public, least of all in a silent, enclosed space which encourages curious glances. GAH!
  • About 85% of the male population in Frankfurt runs around in a suit during the day. Hallelujah. Since I’ve moved to Cologne, I’m pretty sure the only dude I’ve seen in a suit has been my personal banker (Hot G., *drool*). I hate to say it, but I’d forgotten how amazing it is to glance around and see hot men in hot suits. Too bad they become completely average once they change into their regular clothes.
  • Speaking of hot men in work clothes, I feel kinda sorry for the Polizei at the Frankfurt Hbf. If I was a police officer, I’m pretty sure I would be annoyed by the constant influx of tourists coming up to me and asking for directions around downtown in English. Or maybe it would be a diversion. Who knows? What I do know, is that the Polizist who looked like Hot G. was using the big, illuminated map to help some tourist find a street. Hot damn. All those look-alikes. Too bad none compare to the original. (Looks-wise, anyway — I’m 94.7% sure the aforementioned Hot G. look-alikes have more personality than a cardboard box. You take some, you give some, and all that.)
  • You know, I checked the weather forecast before I went down, and the weather was supposed to be similar to Cologne — torrential rain, 18 degrees or so… You know, epitome-of-summer type weather. What I did not realize is that, in Cologne, at least it’s still warm enough that it sort of feels like summer. I felt like it was winter last Janurary while I was in Frankfurt yesterday. Yeesh. Remind me never to complain about the crappy weather in Karnevaltown ever again.
  • I love that I can take Maxie almost wherever I damn well please in Germany. And that includes into a coffee shop. And bless him, I think his age is starting to calm him down. Maybe by the time he’s seven, I will actually have a dog that no longer resembles one on drugs. A girl can hope.
  • Why is it that an ICE train from Bonn to Frankfurt can cost 37 yoyos (RE takes an extra 1.5 hours for 5 yoyos cheaper — WWYD?), yet the trip home is a regular price of 68 yoyos? It’s the same damn line! Yay for ICE there and ghetto RE back!
  • Okay, so the guy making the announcements on the RE from Koblenz to Bonn was kinda hard to understand. Frankly, I just chalked it up to me not understanding the accent of a dialect or something. Until the grannies and g-pas sitting a couple of seats back started going on about crappy foreigners, and how they have no right to be in this country, taking jobs from perfectly able Germans, and blah blah. Crap. I was happy I didn’t have to open my mouth for anything. I would hate to have to mention I’m using taxpayers’ money to go to school for free so I can write crappy term papers about the portrayal of Canadian history (GAH!) in a stupid play. Granted, I’ve got the coveted (or not so much) German Pass, but wouldn’t that make it worse? You know, never having worked in the society, then showing up and taking the benefits of living here?? At least I’m not getting Bafög or Hartz IV… (Though I’m sure my neighbours probably think I am, since during the semester break I’ve developed the lazy habit of sleeping in till 8:00 and then taking Max out to do his business whilst still wearing my jammies.)

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