19 June 2012

October 19, 2011

I’m one of those weirdos who will take the time, effort and money to import something that I could just as easily find a replacement for wherever I am.

Does this sentence make no sense?

Probably not, considering I’m sick and loopy from taking regular doses of my imported Neocitran.
Bear with me.

Basically, a couple of days ago, I was pointed out as being strange for importing Finnish bath products from Dermosil. (Okay, so technically they’re Swedish, but whatever.) I mean, as good as the products are, it’s not like there are no replacements for body wash and night creme to be found in Deutschland. However, seeing as the prices are quite reasonable, I take the effort to order my stuff online.

Call me crazy, but having those things is like having something tangible to remind me of Finland and to tide me over until I go back next year.

This importing obsession of mine isn’t a new one. Before going back to Canada last year, I beared the strange looks at DM to stock up on Aronal/Elmex and this Nivea exfoliator I’m in love with. I did the same at the grocery store with certain baking supplies that were findable albeit insanely expensive in Canada.

Coming back to Germany, what did I import? Extra-strength Tylenol, extra-strength Advil, extra-strength Neocitran for nighttime use… (Can you tell there is an issue getting strong drugs both on the cheap and without a prescription here?)

As I’ve said before, it’s not like any of these things cannot be found where I reside. And although I can insist that it’s more economical/efficient to take the time and effort to import something, it’s really not. Finland, Canada, Germany, whatever. These are all modern societies that carry things like OTC medicine and bath supplies. Still, there’s just something inexplicable about having comfort items around. This is especially applicable when I’m sick (like right now) and can have a hot, lemon-y cup of Neocitran.

When you’ve put down roots (so to say) in so many places that you feel both at home everywhere and not at home anywhere, it’s nice to have little things from different places to bring that home-y feeling together.

This probably doesn’t make any sense.

I blame it on the Neocitran.

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