19 June 2012

April 30, 2012

Summer… It turns me upside-down. Summer, summer, summer… It’s like a merry-go-round. I see ya under..

Okay, I’ll stop. Maybe you don’t like lyrics from The Cars as much as I do.

Anyhoo, apparently summer is here (or is coming, at least). You would find me hard-pressed to confirm this, as the only day it was nicer than cloudy/rainy and in the mid-teens, I was in a classroom all day discussing (or rather, listening to discussions) on the topic of American pornography in history, film and literature. This is not as exciting as it sounds.

Aside from the fact I missed the first nice day of the year, there are other clues that the best part of the year is on its way. Some of these clues make me want to do a happy dance, and others make me want to slit my wrists.
  • It’s pretty awesome that I can hang my clothes up to dry mid-afternoon, and have about the half of them dry by early morning. I vaguely remember this is something that happened last year, and that on rare sunny days, the clothes could be dry in as little as a few hours. Still, after a winter of checking my jeans after three days, still finding them soaked, and just putting them on the radiator to dry after all, I would put this experience in the happy-dance pile.
  • When I open the windows to let in the awesomeness of the warm air (happy-dance pile), swarms of bugs come zooming in, excited to conquer new territory (slit-wrists pile).
  • I no longer have to spend seven precious morning minutes trying to decide which combo of shoes and jacket look best together and will give me the required level of warmth/wind protection/dryness that I seek for the ever-changing weather.
  • Taking Maxie for a walk at 6:00 on a Saturday morning is bliss. It’s already light out so I can see potential attackers coming at me in the forest (umm..), but it’s silent, just a bit dark and beautiful. And not all the bugs are awake yet, looking for prey.
  • Unfortunately, though long days are nice to me and I enjoy the natural wake-up call that is sun (or rather, general lightness from a cloudy sky that is more typical here) streaming through my window at hours I actually get out of bed.
  • Longer days unfortunately mean, though, that the fucking children in this neighbourhood run around until 22:30 or later. Okay, I know I’m a grandma and therefore don’t really have any right to complain that I’m trying to sleep at this time, but why are children that come up to my waist in height up so late? It was a big deal when I got to stay up till 20:30 when I was ten. Why don’t children have bedtimes anymore?
  • Maxie is happier. As much as he likes his sweaters, it’s less laundry I have to do. Okay. Scratch that. I’m happier.
  • The advent of summer means that the time I go to Finland to see E. is coming closer. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!
I love summer! Yay!!

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