19 June 2012

Herzlich Willkommen!!

So... I'm sure you're probably wondering about a couple things.

1. Why did Elli move her blog, and
2. Why are there posts from 2009 here?

1. One of the reasons I haven't posted in a coon's age is that my *ahem* previous blogging platform was pissing me right the hell off. Between not posting shit, posting half of it, or just plain old deleting what I wrote, I was getting fed up. The poor interwebbies had to sacrifice reading a good eight or nine posts, because they were deleted by the blogging robot and I had no interest in retyping them. Poor interwebbies didn't even stand a chance.

To be honest, I thought this might have had something to do with the fact I'm still using a surfstick since my fucking internet provider still hasn't gotten their ducks in a row, but the same thing happened to me in Canada when I was using a real internet connection.

So, there's your answer to question number one.

2. This is actually an old-school blog that was still floating around on the interwebbies from the time I was married. It's actually kind of interesting, going back and reading the things I've written. If you feel like doing this (because it's kind of like an act of voyeurism, I suppose), please keep in mind a few things:
  • I wrote posts specifically for people back home.
  • With that in mind, I wrote those posts specifically in order to convince them things were going just swell. You will notice this when, every so often, some sort of phrase like, "I think that's just fab" comes across the screen. Yes, you are correct -- the only way you would hear me say something like that is if it was dripping in irony. And even then, not likely. That was also the case in 2009, but, you know... It's necessary to keep up appearances sometimes.
  • Yes, I suppose that makes me a liar. Whatevs. I'm a shitty liar now, and I was back then, too.
  • I did nothing but study, get drunk by noon and write on my blog. I think you will see this reflected in those posts, should you choose to read them.
Anyhoo, maybe you will be horrified by the things you read there. I admit, I was a little horrified myself, but I decided not to delete anything in the end. I was more conservative, younger and in a completely different environment. Things have changed a lot in the last three years, but I've come to terms with the fact I was a complete tool then. I mean, I still am a complete tool.

So, whatevs.

I've also gone and transferred the blog posts from the old platform to this one. Only from the most recent one, though, and not from any others that have also bit the dust. You know, for your archival pleasure. Or not. I didn't update the embedded links, though, nor do I plan to. If you really want to know what it is I'm referring to, Google it. Give your fingers a workout.

Like I said -- whatevs. (Yes, this is my new word now.)

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