19 June 2012

March 7, 2012

One of my most favourite things to do in the whole world is get on the highway, blare music, and sing my little heart out. Seeing as I don’t drive in Germany (yay, gas prices!) I was looking forward to taking Ping out for a spin or two whilst in Canada (boo, gas prices!).

Ping, in case you don’t know, is my ex-1995 Celica, aptly named by A., which I gifted to my mom before moving to Krautland. I realized when I bought it that I was no longer 16 and did not need the sex lights — *ahem* racing? lights — for any reason, but that little car let me pretend I was a fast driver. Yes, I’m aware that there is no place for a 24-year-old in a Celica. But say that to my mom. She’s older than 24. ^^ But we both love that thing to pieces. She’s wonderful.


I admit, the first couple times I took her out for a spin were heaven. Except for the fact I sometimes forget that I am not on the Autobahn and realize I’m going 60 over in a 100 zone before I slow down.
But, you know, true to Canadian tradition, the weather has been really crappy these last days. 65kmh down the highway when the limit is 100? Check. Snowplough driving down the middle of the road, almost running me off the shoulder, only to actually make the roads worse? Check. Nasty conditions that shut down the QE2? Check. Braving the elements when not completely necessary? Check. Not being able to drive like you want, let alone blare music whilst driving, in order to avoid killing yourself? Also check.

Hey, kind of reminds me of a post from this time LAST YEAR, too! (Posted on an old blog on March 1, 2011)
Buah, spring, I take it back. Welcome back to the world of -40 and glare ice on the roads, Calgary. Did I ever mention I hate winter driving? Because frankly, there’s little I enjoy less in this world than gripping onto my steering wheel for dear life, hoping to god I don’t smash into a guard rail or another car as the SUV with four-wheel drive who thinks he’s invincible speeds up and cuts in front of me. Not that I normally drive like a jackass, but I like being able to drive faster than 30, and brake if necessary. Ice makes it impossible to do this.
As if working overtime during RSP season wasn’t enough, I now get to battle the roads on the way to and from work. Oh? Working ten hours and exhausted? We’ll just add an extra hour and a half of commuting time onto that for funsies. Thank you, you bitch called Mother Nature.
Give me a colposcopy any day. Yes, I’m that serious.
Minus the fact I am not working during RSP season (rather, paper-writing season this time ‘round), I’d say this is a pretty accurate description of how I feel.

And I really hate colposcopies.

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