19 June 2012

May 5, 2012

When I was younger, I was never really big on the whole “friends” thing. I mean, sure, it was nice to hang out with people, and it’s not like I don’t have some ridiculously amazing memories from my pre-adult years, but the backstabbing and gossiping of girl-land was too much for me. I know I’m not alone when I say that I was mostly friends with guys when I was younger because it was just easier.
Enter my Button. If you ask me (Or her… Seriously. You could bug her on Facebook about it.), I’ll tell you that I couldn’t stand her. I know it went both ways. However, in finding out we shared certain hobbies, she became an instant friend. It was more than that, though. She picked up the pieces of a shattered life in July 2007, and she did it again in September 2010. She is the only one who has been there the whole time for me while I’ve been over here, and when I was back in Calgary, too. I love her to bits and pieces, and I never thought I would ever find my soulmate. But there she is.
I’m extraordinarily lucky, because I have another soulmate in Finland. That was also a case of instant friendship, and even if she is not the lucky recipient of weekly 1000-4000+ word e-mails (read: victim), she is one of the most important people in my life.

I’d say two soulmates is more than anyone can really ask for. Especially considering the fact I move around all the fucking time and rarely stay anywhere long enough to actually build real friendships.

Here’s the thing, though —

I have my Mädels here. Whether it’s Kaffee and Kuchen, GNTM evenings or just gibbering in between classes, I’ve got an extraordinary group of girls around me who are smart, loyal and wonderful. You’ve given me open ears and arms, and I cannot be more thankful to have you guys. I used to bitch and complain a lot that neither A. nor E. are around, and I have no idea why it took me such a long time to realize you guys are here for me in ways I never could have fathomed.

To my Mädels:

Thank you for your love, support, and listening to me go on and on about the mechanization of housework and the Cold War, which is a topic I know puts each of you to sleep.
You guys are amazing, and thank you for everything, especially lately. <3<3<3

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