19 June 2012

November 25, 2011

Yeah. I’m fully aware I haven’t posted in a hundred bajillion years. As I do almost every day, I was checking to see if there were any new updates on one of my friend’s blogs, and… nope! Nothing since November 2! And then I thought, “Grrr… doesn’t she know that’s a ridiculous time to go between posting?!”

So, anyhoo…
Life has finally gotten back to normal. Well, almost like normal, considering I feel like I’m so far behind on everything in life that I’ll never, ever catch up.

Since potpourri posts are so inherently satisfying (even if that was the last thing I posted back at the beginning of the month…), here is a potpourri update, but in long form! Yay!
I couldn’t help it. I already set up my Christmas tree. It looks rather naked, considering it’s a full foot taller than my old one. This, of course, means I would lack enough ornaments to adequately decorate, even if none of my ornaments broke in the move. Which many did. I cried when I found out back in the late summer, and I sniffled when I decorated. At least there’s a Christmas-market meet-up with some fellow MA students next week; maybe I’ll find something there.

On my recent trip to the States, I was very proud of myself for stocking up on things not get-able in Germany. Mostly this meant things from the Gap and Victoria’s Secret. It also meant I bought out the OTC section of Walgreen’s and got a tattoo done/another re-done. Think this is silly? Zee Tschermanns I know don’t get them done here, either. One girl I know prefers to go to Brazil. (!!) Another to the States. A dude I met in one of my classes yesterday specifically goes to Rochester (NY) to get them done.

Apparently that would cause some to assume I’m not that crazy after all. Update: No worries, I still am.

Normally I prefer to “celebrate” Canadian Thanksgiving. (See previous posts for the loose definition here of “celebrate”.) Making dinner yesterday, though, for the Ami version, was more satisfying than I ever thought it could be. Probably because I just came back to Vegas and need a little bit more time to re-gain my hostility toward those American-types.

I’m sick. Again. The last time was, what, six weeks ago? Only this time, I’m not sick enough to be bed-ridden and subsequently be forced to get better. I’ve just got a nasty sore throat that won’t go away and an insatiable need for sleep. This will probably go on forever. FML.

I’ve really been surprised at how all-out zee Tschermanns in this area go with the Christmas stuff. Sure, most people just have those little electric candle things in their windows, but I’ve seen more than a few North American-like spectacles where the entire house/yard is covered in wacky-coloured lights. I never saw anything like this when I lived in Southern Germany. I rarely even saw those electric candle things in the windows. Must have something to do with the crazy tendencies of the people in this area. Karneval, and all that. Either way, it makes afternoon bus rides when it’s already dark much more interesting.

My creepy neighbours are even more creepy than usual. And annoying. I’ve been lucky, to this point, to have never had such creepy neighbours. The rest of them that live in my building are fine… Why do the creepy ones have to be the ones that can hear my every move/and me theirs because of the construction of this damn place?

I love Maxie. But this is nothing new.

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