13 July 2012

Life in the Rainforest

Blame Canada!

No, blame me!!

No matter where I am, that's where there's a guarantee of crappy weather! Don't believe me? Germany's last heat wave was when I was sitting through the non-summer in Calgary a few years back. By non-summer, I mean I still had my seat warmer on in August. Winter last year was unseasonably cold. No matter, though -- as soon as I took off to Canada, Cologne warmed right up and I headed into an abyss of -50. Now, Canada's got a heatwave, and I live in a rain forest.

I don't actually mind the rain. I mean, sure, I would prefer to see some summer before the rain starts in the fall. Oh... wait, never mind. But this isn't about how I hate the unpredictability/extremeness of weather.

Welcome to how I spend my days in the rain forest!
  • The nice thing about summer is not having laundry pile up when you are waiting for the previous load to dry on the rack on the balcony. It's been five days, though, and everything is still damp out there. I may as well give up on that one...
  • I took Maxie to the vet yesterday. As usual, he was not impressed at the notion of needles. I was not impressed by the fact it started pouring as we walked from the train stop to the vet (and only then was it raining, mind), so I got to lift a wet/dirty Maxie onto the cold metal table, and try to hold a wet/dirty Maxie in place while the vet poked around. Ironically enough, Maxie was so pissed off from the stethoscope, he didn't even notice when he got his booster shot. Until he spent the rest of the day crying and limping around like a wuss, that is. Nice.
  • I don't believe in rain gear. I've lost my third umbrella, and I just give up. The cheap ones just turn inside out in the rain, and there's no way I'm spending 40 yoyos on an umbrella I'm liable to lose within a couple of months. It's this exact same reason I don't buy sunglasses that cost more the 7 yoyos. I've also twice tried out the concept of rain boots to avoid sock-changing before going out after walking Maxie, but they go bust so quickly, it's not even worth the money. Also, people get wet when they go in the shower. Why are we so against getting wet in the rain? Das war aber viel auf einmal!
  • When I take Maxie out to go to the bathroom when it's raining, he will inevitably prance through the mud, and then stand in the grass with a confused expression on his face for an extreme amount of time rather than just doing his business. If I ask him what's taking him so long, he looks at me defiantly.
  • I'm glad the water level went down the last couple weeks on the Rhein. I was starting to worry that it would flood out to the point I'd have to find a new walking-route for Maxie and me. It looks as if this may be once again a concern of mine, and I thought I was off the hook until September. Ha. Ha.
  • Too much rain, too few thunderstorms.
  • Nevertheless, rain is a good excuse for hot chocolate. Bring on the cocoa, baby!!

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