03 August 2012

Greetings and Salutations to the Interwebbies

Well, hey there! Long time no see!

Where have I been, do you ask?

In a statistics class that ran thirteen days straight without a break!

Basically, I now feel like I got hit by a sack of hammers. Actually, I've been feeling that way for twelve days now. You know, it's funny -- it feels so strange not to be going to school tomorrow morning. It seems like I've been living this routine for so long, I don't even know what my life before looked like anymore.

I always used to laugh at those people on Survivor (yes, I know you're laughing at me right now) who would go on about how, at the beginning, it's exciting to get to know everyone and everything, but at the end, you are sick of everyone's stories and just want to go home. I mean, sure, we had the added luxury of actually getting to go to some sort of bed at night/didn't have to sleep at a campfire in a torrential rainstorm whilst laying on rocks, but yeah. There's only so much you wanna hear about people's dissertations, empirical research, hopes and dreams, etc.

Sure, there's a couple people I actually enjoyed spending time with through the whole thing, but yeah.

Ah, well.

I'm not gonna bother recapitulating my weeks for you. A lot happened, and there were a lot of times I wanted to write something (be it happy, sad or funny), but, frankly, after a 9-5 day of stats and computer-staring, the last thing I felt like doing was coming home, opening up my laptop, and writing a virtual message to you fine people out in the interwebbies.

No offence.

But I'm alive, a little worse for the wear (I suppose I will heal eventually), and have sore arms after trying to carry 20kg of groceries home in a flimsy plastic bag/not in a plastic bag because cornflakes boxes are awkwardly shaped.

So yeah. I'm off to shower before watching Mr. Phelps swim one of the last swims of his career.

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