21 August 2012

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: Montreal

Hello, friends!

So, the last two weeks I was in Montreal on vacation! Yay! The trip was booked rather spontaneously (like most of my trips to Canada seem to be). Rather than giving a boring play-by-play on the happenings across the pond, I thought I'd provide my rundown in the style of "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly". Now, I realize this is a really old movie, but since I first learned about the whole thing from short daily news clips The Bear used to play when I was a kid, I'll do it that way. Maybe that's similar to the movie. I wouldn't know. I'm not really a fan of older movies, tbh.

So! Montreal!

- Come on. It's Canada!
- The people I saw. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
- Double-doubles flowing in an almost unlimited fashion.
- My first vacation away from homework or other work in years.

- Understanding not a heck of a lot more than I manage in Finland. I mean, except when I watched the TV on loud with no other distractions. Then I was fine.
- Leaving to come back to Germany.
- The humidity and being just as wet when you're already out of the shower as you were in it.

- Montreal. Seriously. I have no freeking idea how these people find this place "beautiful". When I was living in Calgary, all I ever heard was about how "European" Montreal is, yet still retaining a good mix of Canadian and North American aspects. I'm sorry, but the only thing "European" about Montreal is the two or three buildings sticking out in the skyline that could be older than my grandfather. A few old buildings does not a European city make. Uglier? Hearing people in the airport who were on business in Montreal saying that the city's "European-ness" is what makes them love coming back a couple times a year. Oh well, they were from Atlanta. Guess that comment should be taken with a grain of salt, all things considered...

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