09 July 2012

Hartz IV-Empfänger

Ahhh, the end of the semester!

I know it's not actually the end of the semester (I have way too much to do in the next three days for that), but today is officially the first day where my alarm clock went off, as usual, for Monday morning class and I got to grumble, "Heh, heh, FU."

Speaking of which, I should probably turn the clock off so I don't have the same thing next week when it actually is semester break.

Anyhoo, I like summer break for a lot of reasons. I mean... it's not actually a break, but it's still fun to change my sleep schedule from early-up and early-bed to medium-early-up and late-bed. Morning person as I am, I write best at night, which kind of cramps my Grandma-style-in-bed-by-9 thing I have going on during the semester. All that extra time also means I can twiddle my thumbs all day and not feel guilty about it, knowing I'll be working six to eight hours straight that evening. It also usually means trips to Finland (though that comes later this year), but does definitely mean a visit from my Momma!!

Here's a potpourri of why I like summer:
  • Even when the weather's bad, it's not -20 and snowing.
  • Crappy weather? No problem. I love walking in the rain, as long as it's not to class.
  • The sun is still shining a long time, but not obnoxiously till 23:00.
  • I get really productive because I can write nights.
  • Even though I actually end up working more than during the semester, since rarely have anything jamming up my schedule, I can work when I want to, which is far more relaxing.
  • Maxie is happy because I am with him almost every day.
  • I am happy because I get Maxie snuggles most of the day almost every day.
  • Ice cream
  • Fruit is on sale at the supermarket. Nectarines 750g for 89c! Woowoo!!!
And, for good measure, why I like this summer in particular:
  • I no longer live in the 'hood, so there aren't children running around screaming all night in the streets. This means I might actually get to write something, and who knows? Maybe I'll even be more productive!
  • I may have to do that statistics course, but I'm also working on two books (authoring articles for both and editing for one), which makes me feel like one of those "productive" members of society that somehow lives with a purpose.
  • My Mooma is coming! My Mooma is coming!
  • You know the other reason. And therefore know why I'm not running around, publishing it on my blog. I made that mistake on Facebook already. Oh the horror!!
The only thing I don't really like about summer break is taking Maxie out to do his business in the mornings. When I'm up during the semester (sometime between 5:30 and 6:00), I feel like a normal (read: productive) member of society who is just taking their dog out to do their business in sweats before getting off to work to feed the tax machine. It's kind of embarrassing, though, going out with crazy hair and sweats at 7:00 in the morning while everyone is already on their way to work in their fancy cars.

Last year, I'm pretty sure the neighbourhood thought I was a Hartz IV recipient. (For my non-German friends, see here.) I mean, when I first moved in, I was gone reasonable hours that ensured I could have at least been going to some kind of part-time job. Summer, though? Ha. I was always around. And the neighbours always were staring when Maxie's morning business became a later and later event. (I lived in a village. This is what people do, amirite?)

I mean, I suppose I could argue they were the Hartz IV-Empfänger since they were spending the day watching and criticizing me.

But, whatevs.

New city, new neighbours to think I'm a lazy git on Hartz IV.

I wish... I'd be living the high life compared to this. (Minus the random and impulsive trips across the globe, of course. It'd suck to give those up.)

Happy summer break, friends! (Yeah, not yet, but you all know how I like jumping the gun...)

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