02 July 2012

Goodbye, Hobo Flat!!

Today I gave up my flat. Lucky for me, I got out of the contract because it's in desperate need of renovation, and the sooner they gut the place, the sooner they can rent it out for an escalated price. Important for me, though, is that I don't have to pay double rent anymore. Yay!

I am definitely in love with my new flat, and the only thing I was fond of about my old, hobo one was that since it was in the sticks, no religious nutters came to the door. Actually, that's not true. Those Catholic children with the little signs for the doors came last year. It was heartbreaking shutting the door in their sad little faces when I said I didn't want a sign, but you do what you gotta do, I guess. (That is hide behind the door and pretend you're not home, I mean.)

I'm trying to say that leaving was bittersweet, but it wasn't actually. It was just sweet. On a sentimental level, I'm happy to leave behind the dashed dreams and rotten memories (except for a few, of course). On a practical level, I'm happy to no longer be in a flat with crazy humidity regardless of how much I air the place, and I'm pumped I have a balcony and no longer have to lean out the window like Krauts do in the Dorf. It's cool that the walls in my new place are even and I don't have to deal with a crooked ceiling/floor anymore. I'm also grateful my neighbours here keep to themselves and neither blast the TV all night nor have loud sex at 5:00 in the mornings. I mean, I did hear someone going at it last night around 20:30, but at least that's a reasonable hour.

Still, I don't like saying goodbyes, no matter how happy I am to leave. (Imagine what it's like when I don't actually want to leave!) But here I am, moving on again. I actually already did, but you know. Trying to be bittersweet. Nope? Still not working?

Okay, let's throw a party then, because I no longer have neighbours who, when I clean my windows, remark that they thought I already moved out and wanted to know why I was still in the flat. Creepers. I don't miss you, particularly because I was becoming Dorf-mäßig after awhile like you and staring out the window all the time. You know you're becoming too German when...

Good thing I have a balcony that stares into some trees now!

Hallelujah, hobo flat is gone!

1 comment:

  1. I see you're happy with our old appartment.
    We should meet the next time we're in Bonn

    ^5 M&C
