03 November 2009

Wheat Kings and Pretty Things

It has sure been a long time since I posted! I suppose that happens when there's nothing to say! Seriously. I can give you an update in no time at all.

I have been ill on and off for about two months now. I get sick for a week, am better for a week, and then get sick again. Lucky for me, I'm on a role and haven't really been ill for the last three weeks!

School has been psycho-crazy. Papers, papers, papers. Yesterday and today, I wrote my final exams. So that makes this the first time since I started blogging that I haven't mentioned pre-exam jitters and the overwhelming desire to drink my life away around finals time. You must be so grateful.

And I leave to Canada on Thursday. I'll be out at my mom's a lot where there's no internet, so I'm sure I'll do plenty of off-line soul searching to post like I did while I was in France. To be honest, I'm completely jazzed to be going to Canada. If you asked me two weeks ago if I was excited, I would've said yes. If you asked me if I missed Canada, the answer would be no. But with less than 48 hours left, I'm fantasising about Arby's, Sausage McMuffins and Marble Slab ice cream. I wonder if I don't really miss things because I turn myself off to the possibility of ever having them.

It's kind of like when I lived in Cologne and H. brought me TheraFlu (NeoCitran for all you Canucks out there) when I was sick. Did I miss that warm medicine-y goodness before he brought it? No. But I was like a kid at Christmas just to have something familiar to soothe my sore throat and ease my body aches. When H. brought me Froot Loops, it was much of the same. I literally closed my eyes and made "mmm" sounds whilst eating my cereal. No joke.

So now I have all these mirages of food, craziness in shopping malls at Christmas time, and time at home in my head. I'm freakin' excited. I'm going to miss Maxie and H. a ton. But to be honest, it isn't dampening my excitement.

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