19 June 2012

October 2, 2011

Hei! Minä olen 2-vuotias. -.-

So, today, as proper two-year-olds should, I’m learning my colours!


So far, I’m focusing on white, black, red and brown. White and black, well, since they’re staple colours (let’s not get into the argument of whether or not they are colours or shades, please), and brown because the Finnish word seems easy enough to learn. The word for red kept staring me in the face on its red background, so I figured I may as well learn it, too.

Maybe later today I will add on something crazy like blue or yellow, but for now, I’m trying to keep it all in my head. Mostly by reminding Maxie that he is black and brown. He still seems to be about as partial to Finnish as the first time I came home from Finland in ‘09 and started following him around asking “MITÄ?!” in that crazy baby-voice E. and T. use on Alma (Alma on kissa. ^^)
I’ll make him like it, damn it!!

Anyhoo, my four words of the day are: valkoinen, musta, punainen ja ruskea. (white, black, red and brown)


(Oh, and for funsies, I’ll throw in, “Minulla on koira.” You know why? Because I already learned ”Minun koira on Max!” Ha.)

**And I’ll bet you really don’t care about any of this…**

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