01 June 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

So, if anyone is having a particularly happy day that would be spoiled by a whole lot of complaining, maybe reading today's post isn't the brightest idea..

That being said, what gives?!

Where should I even start? How about with the weather? The weather is one of those stupid small-talk topics that people always complain about, right? Now, don't get me wrong -- I'm happy there's no such thing as a proper winter in Germany. Should I have to endure another Canadian winter ever again, know that I probably won't make it. You'll probably find me frozen onto the side of some tree muttering in German like a crazy person. Or something. So, as happy as I am that the winters here at their worst hit about -15c, I could do without the constant cloud cover and threat of rain. And I thought the migraines I got in Calgary because of the Chinooks were bad! Ha! It's a good day in Germany when I'm not in bed, clutching at my skull and begging for death. Besides, Maxie hates the rain. He won't go for walks in it. And when he's not going for walks, he's hyperactive. And THAT is annoying. Migraines + Bouncing Maxie = Anger. And who said I wasn't any good at math?

And in other news, I hate online classes. Okay, I'm lying a little. They're awesome because you can show up in pyjamas and fluffy socks to do your schoolwork. Oh, wait. I did that when I went to face-to-face classes, too. Never mind about the pyjamas then. Because not only do group projects in a real university suck; they suck online, too. They're even worse. Just imagine trying to co-ordinate slackers that are stationed across the globe who could care less about some history requirement. And then, there's me. History major, trying NOT to fail a stupid group project because some people have no respect for deadlines or capitalizing letters. There have been so many days this past week where I've wanted to throw my computer at the wall. And to be fair, my computer didn't do anything. If anything, my MacBook rules (chipping unibody aside). 

And then there's Maxie. As if he's not hyper enough, he had to lick up a bunch of coffee grinds that I'd spilled on the floor. I was just grabbing a broom and dustpan to clean up when, BAM!, my mess had disappeared. I probably wouldn't be too worried if it weren't for the fact my dog is hyperactive on his laziest of days. Shoot.

Did you honestly think I was done complaining? Ha. No, I'm not finished yet. I still have a paper I have to write on Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises," which I had decided was the worst book in history before it was even assigned for my Literary Criticism class. But I'm writing on it instead of my other options because I was too lazy (errr.. I mean busy) to read a new 600-page novel and write a stupid paper on it. And, finals next week, too. If only that meant a break for me. Unfortunately, it only means that in two weeks, my next semester starts...

One year.. just one more year. 
Oh, who am I kidding? In just one more year I'll find something new to complain about!


I apologize if you actually read through that, by the way. That must've been painful...

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