21 July 2013

Change of Address -- Unnerving

As (most of) you know, I've recently moved house. As (most of) you know, moving house comes with a ton of annoying address changes and trying to figure out where you have accounts, contracts and subscriptions.

Most normal people, being normal in their ever-so-normal way will order mail forwarding in order to give them time to get their ducks in a row and take note of all the crap they get by mail on a daily basis.

The last time I did this (as in, last year), mail forwarding was just that -- I got (most of) my mail forwarded to me.

Fast forward to this year, and after sending in my request to Deutsche Post, I got an email from my insurance company where I have my Haftpflichtversicherung saying that they'd gotten my new address from Deutsche Post and they'd kindly updated it for me. (All this, despite the fact I made sure to uncheck the "forward my new address to the appropriate peoples" box since I'm a control freak.) At least they were nice enough to inform me. When I (finally) went to update my address with O2 today, I was rather surprised when my updated address was already in the system.

Maybe I didn't check/uncheck that stupid box properly in the first place.

Still, the whole thing is more confusing than if I'd just have done all the address changes myself. Sure, my phone and third-party liability insurance automatically updated themselves, but neither my health insurance nor my internet provider did.

How am I supposed to know who updates my address and who doesn't unless I just go into each account and check anyway? (I may as well update all my addresses myself, frankly. I'm completely durcheinander.)

Dear Deutsche Post,

Either go to town and ask everyone to update my addresses, or don't do it at all. The last thing you want is for people to "rely" on your service, only to find out they are missing a whole whack of mail after their mail forwarding ends.

Or maybe that is what you want. *conspiracy*

Mit freundlichen Grüßen