15 October 2012

Night is upon us!

I wake up in the dark.

I walk Maxie in the near-dark.

Soon I will go to work in the dark.

I come home in the near-dark.

Soon I will come home in the dark.

All I hear about these days is how dark it is outside, as if it surprises us every single year. As fall is fully upon us and winter approaches, darkness gets to become just as fun to talk about as the weather.

"Did'ya get that? It's pretty cold and dark, eh?"

The worst part of it all is that I get sucked into it, too. It's probably got something to do with my propensity for bitching about the weather.

But gawsh, it's dark!

Mother Nature, I have two choices for you: either bring summer back, or bring on Christmas so I can start drinking Glühwein at the Weihnachtsmarkt with the Mädels!

Thank you.

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