26 August 2012

Back Home

I'd like to say that the past week was sort of my bridge week between vacation and the real world. I spent last week in the wonderland that is Allgäu, giving myself time to get back into academic-mode without the pressure of laundry, flat-cleaning and other things that come with living in your own flat.

So, while I managed to churn out an entirely adequate fifteen pages of text, I also managed to do some things that make me sublimely happy:

- Catching up on an entire season of Army Wives. (Yeah, I got addicted when I was an army wife. Sue me.)
- Playing MarioKart on the Wii most evenings and being amazed that there are still enough people playing on the internet with each other.
- Enjoying staring out the window at Grünten.
- Spending time with one of the most important people in my life.
- Eating copious amounts of good food I would never buy for myself such as Smarties yogurt, peppers stuffed with cream cheese, popcorn and watermelon (Like it was a bowl of ice cream. Please see below.)

Tomorrow, it's back to the grind of getting up at 5:30 rather than a comfortable 8:00. What does my week consist of? Work, rushing to get papers done and handed in, and trying to arrange my flat in a presentable manner for when my mom and step-dad come to visit next week. (!!)
So... Yay for that. I guess.
(I just want more watermelon.)

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